نتایج جستجو برای عبارت :


no matter you are muslim, Christians, Jewish or zoroastrian. we all are worshipping one unique God and this God has promised us, a saviour will come, for saving humanity from darknesses and wickedness.we should ask our God to let the saviour return for us 
مهم نیست که مسلمان، مسیحی، یهودی یا زرتشتی هستی. مهم‌ این که همه‌ی ما یک خدای بی‌همتا را میپرستیم و این خدا به ما وعده داده است که یک منجی برای نجات دادن انسانیت از تاریکی ها و شرارت ها خواهد آمد. ما باید از از خدایمان بخواهیم تا به منجی اجازه دهد برای ما برگردد.
آدم های ساده را دوست دارم
همان ها که بدی هیچکس را باور ندارند
همان ها که برای همه لبخند دارند
همان ها که همیشه هستند ، برای همه هستند
آدمهای ساده را باید مثل یک تابلوی نقاشی ساعتها تماشا کرد
عمرشان کوتاه است بس که هر کسی از راه می رسد یا ازشان سو استفاده می کند یا زمینشان میزند یا درس ساده نبودن بهشان می دهد
آدم های ساده را دوست دارم چون بوی ناب “آدم” میدهند !
 Awaiting means expecting an event that will definitely happen. This is the meaning of awaiting. Awaiting means that this future is definite. This is especially true if we are awaiting a living and primed entity.
 We are not awaiting someone who has not been born yet. No, we are awaiting someone who exists and is present among us. There are certain narrations according to which people can see him, but they do not recognize him. In certain narrations, he has been likened to Prophet Joseph whose brothers used to see him. He was present among his brothers and he used to sit beside them, but they could not recognize him. It is such a clear and motivating truth. This facilitates awaiting. Humanity needs this awaiting and the Islamic Ummah needs it even more. This waiting puts responsibilities
The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) belongs to all of humanity. He does not only belong to Shia Muslims and Muslims in general. All of humanity is humble and respectful before the greatness and beautiful aspects of Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.), except for those people who do not know him. Therefore, you can see that the panegyrists of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) are not only Muslims. A Christian also praises the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.). It is not only Shia Muslims who praise him. As well as Shia Muslims, the community of Sunni Muslims in all parts of the world of Islam speaks more enthusiastically about the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) than about other great personalities of the early Islamic era. Why? What is the reason? The reason is the greatness of this Imam, the kin
Mahdi is happy fortunate soul for all the humanity.
Please relax and imagine an ultroviolet beautiful world with deep peace under the flag of islam.
Imagine nice men.They see the light of God.Mahdi show them that.Spiritual experiences and religiouse experiences is upcoming fast.
Smile will appear on your face because Mahdi knows how to handle the world.
Appreciate twists in the adventure of reaching of Mahdi
Limiting yourself in fear of what you can’t control will do you no good. Appreciate the adventure of not knowing what might happen next.
. Be proud of yourself that your leader is Mahdi
As you work through an earthshaking event, give yourself credit for every step forward. By acknowledging your achievements, no matter how small, you regain trust in your ability to fix what you didn
تمام امورِ بزرگ برای آنکه با نیازهای جاودانه در دل بشریت جای گیرد، باید با صورتک هایی غول آسا و هراس انگیز برزمین گام نهاده باشند.
Nietzsche said "All the great things must first wear terrifying and monstrous masks in order to inscribe themselves on the hearts of humanity.
*فراسوی نیک و بد
*Beyond the Good and Evil
Read Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed the World Light Novel :
The world’s largest VRMMO, Conviction, was almost like a second world for humanity. It had integrated itself into the real world’s economy, with both corporations and individuals seeking their fortunes through the game.
In this game, Nie Yan prided himself in his Level 180 Thief. He could barely be considered among the top experts in the game. Though, that was the only thing he could take pride in. He was penniless and unable to advance in life; a situation he was forced into by the enemy of his father. If it weren’t for the little money he made by selling off items in Conviction, he would’ve barely been able to eat. In the end, he chose to settle his matters once and for all. He assassinated his father’s enemy. He l
Sexuality and libido are one of the most important needs of God for human existence. Completely satisfying your sexuality in the right way means being with your spouse is one of the pillars of happiness. But over the years, with human culture moving toward corruption and destruction, there have been many changes in the way we satisfy libido. Underestimating religious beliefs has led to the collapse and abandonment of real human culture as well as human movements in sexual bias. Walking humanity on the road to gender bias has had a devastating impact on one's personal, family and social life.Society: increasing corruption in society, spreading insecurity among people, especially women,Family: No promise of couple, weakening of family foundation,Man:Psychology: Depression, Self-esteem,Physic
⚠️ آشنایی با تفکرات پلید نیچه!
(قسمت دوم )
2️⃣ #نیچه_و_نژاد_پرستی :
اگر کتابهای نیچه را مطالعه کرده باشید می دانید که نیچه بارها از این عبارت استفاده کرده است "نژاد برتر "  که جهت رعایت اختصار دو نمونه را می آوریم: 
نیچه: یهودیان ناب ترین نژاد در اروپا هستند!
"هنوز به هیچ آلمانی بر نخورده ام که نظر خوشی به یهودیان داشته باشد ..."اجازه ندهید هیچ یهودی تازه ای وارد شود ،بخصوص دروازه های شرق را ببندید (دروازه های اتریش راهم ) "این است فرمان غریزه ی مل
Sexuality and libido are one of the most important needs of God for human existence. Completely satisfying your sexuality in the right way means being with your spouse is one of the pillars of happiness. But over the years, with human culture moving toward corruption and destruction, there have been many changes in the way we satisfy libido. Underestimating religious beliefs has led to the collapse and abandonment of real human culture as well as human movements in sexual bias. Walking humanity on the road to gender bias has had a devastating impact on one's personal, family and social life.Society: increasing corruption in society, spreading insecurity among people, especially women,Family: No promise of couple, weakening of family foundation,Man:Psychology: Depression, Self-esteem,Physic
The fitrah (divine essence) in all of us. our primordial human nature that leads us to tolerance

Tolerance is
proof of intelligence and a symbol of excellence. 9

In one famous
Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is reported to have said, “All of
humanity are as equal as the teeth of a comb.” 8 It is
recorded that once, while the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sat with his companions,
a funeral cortege passed by and he stood up out of respect. A companion
remarked that this was only the funeral of a Jew, implying that that was far
too unimportant for the Prophet’s attention. He challenged this by asking, “Was
he then not also a human being?” 8

In the view of
Allah (God) the whole of humanity consists of one single community.8

So what then
goes wrong? In our 21st century world, repo
A group of Iraqi mawkib organizers who host and serve the pilgrims of Imam Hussain’s shrine during Arbaeen met with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution—Ayatollah Khamenei—at the Hussaynieh of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) this morning (Wednesday), September 18, 2019.
In this meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei thanked the sincere Iraqi people and officials who dedicate themselves to serving the pilgrims during Arbaeen and asserted: I express my and the Iranian nation’s heartfelt gratitude to you the mawkib keepers and organizers, who manifest utmost benevolence and compassion during Arbaeen; to the great Iraqi nation; to the Iraqi officials who prepare the grounds and security; and especially to the honourable religious scholars and Marja's in Iraq who have prepared the ambiance of pilgrimage a
‍ #Islamic_Revolution:
In February 1979, a magnificent development happened. This development in the words of the leader of the Revolution of Iran, the Imam of the Ummah, is referred to as a "divine miracle" in the history of Iran, as well as the Islamic world and even the humanity world. The Islamic Revolution of Iran bewildered all thinkers and analysts of political sciences, historians and politicians in the world. None of them, neither the organizations having access to the massive highly sensitive and private information, nor those having high tech equipment and those who benefited the help of terrorists and different kinds of analysts could prospect the rise of Islamic Revolution of Iran at that time, due to region and world situation, and to this extent.
✅ The message
اعداد فشارخون بیانگر چه چیزی هستند؟
گیری فشار خون یکی از راه های کنترل آن و جلوگیری از بالا رفتن آن است.
اما اعدادی که دستگاه فشارسنج نشان می دهد به چه معناست؟
گزارش بهداشت نیوز به نقل از مشرق نیوز، وقتی که پزشک فشار خون شما را
اندازه گیری می کند، فشار خون را با دو عدد بیان می کنند: یک عدد بالا و
یکی پایین مثل یک کسر. به عنوان مثال 120/80 میلیمتر جیوه.
عدد بالا نشان دهنده میزان فشار خون در عروق در طول انقباضات ماهیچه قلب
است و عدد پای
یکی از توزیع‌های لینوکس است که بر اساس دبیان پایه‌گذاری شده ‌است اما در چندین مورد با دبیان تفاوت دارد. نام اوبونتو از یکی از مفاهیم افریقای جنوبی به معنی «انسانیت نسبت به دیگران» (Humanity Towards Others) گرفته شده‌است.
یکی از نکات مورد توجه در پروژه اوبونتو، تأکید بر دسترسی و جهانی‌سازی است. به همین منظور این نرم‌افزار برای تمام ملیت‌ها موجود است. کار کردن با آن بسیار راحت است و حتی کاربران نا آشنا با آن هم به راحتی به محیط آن عادت می‌کنند.
کریسمس مبارک
آغاز سال نوی میلادی را به هموطنان عزیزم
اربابان کلیساهای ایران
ارامنه ی محترم  جهان 
هموطنان مسیحی ایران تبریک عرض می نمایم
امیدوارم دراین سال جدید به لطف خداوند، بشریت به صلح وآرامش جهانی نزدیک تر وبا هم نوعان مهربان ترشده
ودرپناه ذات باریتعالی محبت ومودت دربین انسانها بیش از گذشته رواج داشته باشد
شادابی وسلامتی شما را ازخداوند تمنا دارم
حمیدرضا ابراهیم زاده
اول  ژانویه
Merry Christmas
In the name of God
Father Boy  Holy Spirit   
OK, so let’s talk about the first months of being in a Starbucks kind of dream :)
So, before anything else I’d just like to mention that like everybody elses, I might have kind of mistakes -maybe even the stupid ones in my posts. I do have them even when I use to write in the blog in my mother language, I mean the Persian, and I really like to remind that I’m not that much perfect at English so if you ever feel uncomfortable about something wrong in my grammar, or vocabulary or just any kind of mistake, please feel free to easily -and of course kindly :) – make me aware of them, so I can improve myself as well as writing greater posts in the future.
So, where was I? Oh, yeah, about that kind of Starbucks dream, wasn’t I? Yes. You know around six or maybe seven months ago -I don
OK, so let’s talk about the first months of being in a Starbucks kind of dream :)
So, before anything else I’d just like to mention that like everybody elses, I might have kind of mistakes -maybe even the stupid ones in my posts. I do have them even when I use to write in the blog in my mother language, I mean the Persian, and I really like to remind that I’m not that much perfect at English so if you ever feel uncomfortable about something wrong in my grammar, or vocabulary or just any kind of mistake, please feel free to easily -and of course kindly :) – make me aware of them, so I can improve myself as well as writing greater posts in the future.
So, where was I? Oh, yeah, about that kind of Starbucks dream, wasn’t I? Yes. You know around six or maybe seven months ago -I don
OK, so let’s talk about the first months of being in a Starbucks kind of dream :)
So, before anything else I’d just like to mention that like everybody elses, I might have kind of mistakes -maybe even the stupid ones in my posts. I do have them even when I use to write in the blog in my mother language, I mean the Persian, and I really like to remind that I’m not that much perfect at English so if you ever feel uncomfortable about something wrong in my grammar, or vocabulary or just any kind of mistake, please feel free to easily -and of course kindly :) – make me aware of them, so I can improve myself as well as writing greater posts in the future.
So, where was I? Oh, yeah, about that kind of Starbucks dream, wasn’t I? Yes. You know around six or maybe seven months ago -I don
OK, so let’s talk about the first months of being in a Starbucks kind of dream :)
So, before anything else I’d just like to mention that like everybody elses, I might have kind of mistakes -maybe even the stupid ones in my posts. I do have them even when I use to write in the blog in my mother language, I mean the Persian, and I really like to remind that I’m not that much perfect at English so if you ever feel uncomfortable about something wrong in my grammar, or vocabulary or just any kind of mistake, please feel free to easily -and of course kindly :) – make me aware of them, so I can improve myself as well as writing greater posts in the future.
So, where was I? Oh, yeah, about that kind of Starbucks dream, wasn’t I? Yes. You know around six or maybe seven months ago -I don
OK, so let’s talk about the first months of being in a Starbucks kind of dream :)
So, before anything else I’d just like to mention that like everybody elses, I might have kind of mistakes -maybe even the stupid ones in my posts. I do have them even when I use to write in the blog in my mother language, I mean the Persian, and I really like to remind that I’m not that much perfect at English so if you ever feel uncomfortable about something wrong in my grammar, or vocabulary or just any kind of mistake, please feel free to easily -and of course kindly :) – make me aware of them, so I can improve myself as well as writing greater posts in the future.
So, where was I? Oh, yeah, about that kind of Starbucks dream, wasn’t I? Yes. You know around six or maybe seven months ago -I don
OK, so let’s talk about the first months of being in a Starbucks kind of dream :)
So, before anything else I’d just like to mention that like everybody elses, I might have kind of mistakes -maybe even the stupid ones in my posts. I do have them even when I use to write in the blog in my mother language, I mean the Persian, and I really like to remind that I’m not that much perfect at English so if you ever feel uncomfortable about something wrong in my grammar, or vocabulary or just any kind of mistake, please feel free to easily -and of course kindly :) – make me aware of them, so I can improve myself as well as writing greater posts in the future.
So, where was I? Oh, yeah, about that kind of Starbucks dream, wasn’t I? Yes. You know around six or maybe seven months ago -I don


Author: Ayatollah Javadi Amoli
Publisher’s speech

The major issue of religion is a
history of human history and a continuation of the world. It has accompanied
the length and width of time, so that there is no period and no place for the
truth of religion to be present.
Religion is born with man and
remains with the man to all places and he not releases him and has nothing but
a human soul.
Religion, like natural phenomena, is sometimes at
the peak and sometimes in the nadir. Standing up with the Prophets and the
Favourites of God, it stands with their sunset it fall. When the goddesses are
victorious, religion is jubilation in the minds and tongues, in wisdom and
hearts, in verbs and fingers. And whenever tyrannies and devils flaunts and
have the illusion of victory,
Martyr Morteza Aviny was born in Iran in the year 1947. It was in the Pahlavi era when he began his studies at the School of Fine Arts, University of Tehran. As he described himself, “I studied at a school of arts for years. I used to go to evening gatherings to recite poetry and visit painting galleries. I listened to classical music.”He wore a tie and lived a western lifestyle. He frequently smoked cigarettes and had a passion for Western philosophy. Yet, he had a quest for finding the Truth.Regarding his search for the Truth, he said: “luckily, life took me to a path where I had to be honest with myself first, and with others second; and deeply acknowledge that pretending to be knowledgeable can never replace being knowledgeable and even that knowledge cannot be obtained by merely
Dr. Chris Hewer  (a Christian British researcher)  talks about Imam Mahdi
the video by : www.nasrtv.com
Watch on youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiGsXs9IXg8
download video : download

download video (Covered at the beginning ) : download
Download partitioned videos : ( for share on instagram ) :
part 1             part 2  
part 3            

Almost all religions believe in a savior who will one day come to bring justice and peace to the whole world.The
Shia Muslims have a clear picture of Imam Mahdi as the savior of
humanity. He now lives among us, we don’t recognize him but his presence
is vital. It is very interesting that Jesus Christ will return to
this world and will accompany Imam Mahdi in saving the world. The
followers of Imam Mahdi
مطابق قوانین حقوقی و جزایی و رویه های ان، هرکس از راز جنایت ها و جرم ها خبر داشته، و آن را کتمان کند و یا به مراجع قضایی گزارش ندهد، مجرم است و گاهی شریک جرم محسوب می شود. حالا باید دید اگر آقای دکتر روحانی، اقدامات ترامپ را جنایت علیه بشریت می داند، با کدام یک از این مقررات مطابقت دارد: طبیعی است اگر این موضوع یک دروغ، یا شانتاژ تبلغاتی باشد، گوینده این سخنان به اتهام نشر اکاذیب و امثال ان، منتسب می شود. ولی اگر از روی اطلاع باشد، باید آن را به

What is the reason behind the existing hostility between Israel and Iran?
In order to better understand the reasons behind the existing hostility between Israel and Iran, first we need to know their beliefs and ideologies.
Iran is a Muslim (Shia) country. Shiism is a sect of Islam which in a simple word, believes in the leadership and follows the successors whom the Prophet of Islam determined after himself.
The successors of the Prophet whom begin with the Prophet`s son-in-law, Imam Ali (PBUH) as the first Imam of Shias and continues till the 12th Successor whose name is Imam Mahdi (PBUH), the savior of Final Era and has been promised in divine holy books. His name is Mahdi and will return jointly with Jesus (PBUH) in order to establish peace and justice at Final Era.
 Online IELTS Reading Course
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Globalization in the new era provide this oppotunity to appetent students, specially those who are in less developed countries, to continue their higher education in the first world countires such as: United Kingdom, Canada, United Sta
 Online IELTS Reading Course
Having excellent reading comprehension skills is crucial. It increases the enjoyment and effectiveness of reading and helps not only academically, but professionally, and in a person's personal life. Imagine being given a document by your boss.You can read the document, but you cannot understand what it is fully asking, or maybe you are applying to jobs and do not understand a question that is being asked. Being able to understand the meaning behind the text helps you develop intellectually, socially, and professionally.
Globalization in the new era provide this oppotunity to appetent students, specially those who are in less developed countries, to continue their higher education in the first world countires such as: United Kingdom, Canada, United St
 Online IELTS Reading Course
Having excellent reading comprehension skills is crucial. It increases the enjoyment and effectiveness of reading and helps not only academically, but professionally, and in a person's personal life. Imagine being given a document by your boss.You can read the document, but you cannot understand what it is fully asking, or maybe you are applying to jobs and do not understand a question that is being asked. Being able to understand the meaning behind the text helps you develop intellectually, socially, and professionally.
Globalization in the new era provide this oppotunity to appetent students, specially those who are in less developed countries, to continue their higher education in the first world countires such as: United Kingdom, Canada, United St

Author: Ayatollah Javadi Amoli
Publisher’s speech
The major issue of religion is a history of human history and a continuation of
the world. It has accompanied the length and width of time, so that there is no
period and no place for the truth of religion to be present. Religion is
born with man and remains with the man to all places and he not releases him
and has nothing but a human soul.
Religion, like natural phenomena, is sometimes at the peak and sometimes in the
nadir. Standing up with the Prophets and the favourites of God, it stands with
their sunset it fall. When the goddesses are victorious, religion is jubilation
in the minds and tongues, in wisdom and hearts, in verbs and fingers. And
whenever tyrannies and devils flaunts and have the illusion of victory,
Dr. Chris Hewer  (a Christian British researcher)  talks about Imam Mahdi
the video by : www.nasrtv.com
Watch on youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiGsXs9IXg8
download video : download

download video (Covered at the beginning ) : download
Download partitioned videos : ( for share on instagram ) :
part 1             part 2  
part 3            

Almost all religions believe in a savior who will one day come to bring justice and peace to the whole world.The
Shia Muslims have a clear picture of Imam Mahdi as the savior of
humanity. He now lives among us, we don’t recognize him but his presence
is vital. It is very interesting that Jesus Christ will return to
this world and will accompany Imam Mahdi in saving the world. The
followers of Imam Mahdi
Supplication in human's life

Prayer is a discipline that allows a
human being to be together with Allah and helps a believer develop a life that
is spiritually vigorous.
And when (O Messenger) My servants
ask you about Me, then surely I am near: I answer the prayer of the suppliant
when he prays to Me. So let them respond to My call (without hesitation), and
believe and trust in Me (in the way required of them), so that they may be
guided to spiritual and intellectual excellence and right conduct. (Al-Baqarah
The most valuable moment in human
life is the time when one faces Allah and is alone with one’s Creator.
Supplication (du`aa’) is the best way to be alone with our Creator.
“Supplication is the essence of worship.” (At-Tirmidhi)
Supplication is a powerful
connection be

Author: Ayatollah Javadi Amoli
Publisher’s speech
The major issue of religion is a history of human history and a continuation of
the world. It has accompanied the length and width of time, so that there is no
period and no place for the truth of religion to be present. Religion is
born with man and remains with the man to all places and he not releases him
and has nothing but a human soul.
Religion, like natural phenomena, is sometimes at the peak and sometimes in the
nadir. Standing up with the Prophets and the favourites of God, it stands with
their sunset it fall. When the goddesses are victorious, religion is jubilation
in the minds and tongues, in wisdom and hearts, in verbs and fingers. And
whenever tyrannies and devils flaunts and have the illusion of victory,
Xiamen Academy of International Law (Xiamen Academy) is an international institution aiming to provide the highest level of legal education to individuals interested in the development and application of international law, such as young lecturers, diplomats, practitioners of law, government officials in charge of foreign affairs, and officials from international organizations. The courses are delivered in English and have been designed to be both scholarly and practical. Xiamen Academy has successfully convened and hosted thirteen summer programmes (from 2006), which featured more than ninety world-renowned international law professors, ICJ judges and experts from around the world.

Prof. Anthea Roberts, Australian National University: Investment Treaty Law, Arbitration and Policy

وجود به معنی هستی، شامل همه اشیا در جهان است،
که از بدیهیات است. یعنی با حواس پنجگانه دریافت و احتیاج به اثبات ندارد. ولی ماهیت
تصور ذهنی ما، از وجود است که گاهی کلی است. مثلا تک تک انسانها وجود دارند، ولی
مفهوم انسان فصل مشترک همه یک ماهیت است. اما آیا این وجود بدون ماهیت بوده، یا
بعدا دارای ماهیت شده است؟ به عبارتی ماهیت اول بوده، یا وجود. مانند قضیه مرغ و
تخم مرغ! که در ابتدا چیز مهمی نیست! برای ما فرق نمی کند که: اول مرغ بوده یا تخم
مرغ! فعلا ا
تشکیلات خود گردان فلسطین نشان داد که: معامله
قرن یک معامله نکبت است، زیرا مردم فلسطین دارای ثروت های کلانی هستند، که با
هیچیک از پیشنهاد های انها، قابل مقایسه نیست. حضور بیش از 4 میلیون نفر در دو قطعه
زمین: ساحل غربی و نوار غزه، خود سرمایه بزرگی است: مردمی سخت کوش و مقاوم که:
تمام عمر خود راوقف آرمان فلسطین کرده، و دارای انگیزه های بالا، برای کار و کوشش
هستند. اگر نیمی از ان را اسرائیل داشت، دنیا را می گرفت. زیرا همه جمعیت اسرائیل،
دچار بی انگیز
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
جناب حجت الاسلام استاد محمد جواد علوی بروجردی
سلام علیکم و رحمة الله 
اظهارات عجیب جنابعالی در روز یک شنبه ۲۵ تیرماه ۱۳۹۶ مبنی بر اینکه با اقتصاد اسلامی مخالف هستید و اقتصاد آزاد را به رسمیت می شناسید؛ دلیل نگارش این نامه کوتاه به جنابعالی است.
شما در دیدار با مدیران و روسای شعب بانک کوثر استان قم اظهار داشتید: خوش‌بختانه در دولت فعلی، که ان‌شاء‌الله در دولت بعد هم ادامه پیدا کند، کسانی سر کار آمدند که اقتصاد را م
جنگ روانی موجود همه چیز را برعکس نشان می دهد!
از نظر فرماندهان این جنگ، آمریکا بزرگترین قدرت قرن است، و تا ابد خواهد بود، و
می تواند با یک اشاره همه ایران را نابود کند! ولی واقعیت این است که آمریکا
ترسیده، و اکنون موضع دفاعی یا انفعالی گرفته است. و می گوید اگر ایران حمله کند!
ما از خود دفاع می کنیم. البته آنها خواهند گفت که این جمله نشان ترس یا انفعالی
بودن آمریکا نیست، بلکه نشان انسانیت اوست که نمی خواهد حمله کند، و ایران را هم
جنگ طلب معرفی کن
Since the ancient times the belief in the rise of the Reformer has been a fundamental principle. Many
 of the holy prophets have announced the advent of new prophet. Moreover in the announcements and indications of predecessors there are always allusions to "the Last Promised" and "the Savior of Last Days" under such titles as "Kalki", "Fifth Buddha", "Soshyans", "Messiah", "The Son of Man" and so on and so forth. Of course there are different types of belief in the last reformer in religions. In one place the Savior is merely a social reformer while in another place he is only after the spiritual salvation of people and even sometimes he undertakes both tasks. On the other hand, the Last 
.... Promised is once nationalist and once seeks to save the whole world

....Read More

آمریکا مدعی است با هدف فشار حداکثری بر ایران، شورشهای لبنان و عراق را ادامه خواهد داد. اما نمی داند این حرکت او تسریع در ایجاد: امپراطوری جهانی ایرانیان و مشروعیت بخشیدن به آن است. زیرا عراق و لبنان از پایه های حکومت کورش بزرگ بود. وی بعد از پایه گذاری هخامنشیان اولین مکانی که فتح کرد بابل بود. بابل در لغت به معنی دروازه شهر خدا. از دو کلمه باب و ال (الهه) تشکیل می شود. واینکه مردم آنجا خود را با ایران یکی می دانند، خشم و غضب آمریکا را درپی داشته.
پس از سرنگونی پهباد آمریکایی، نتانیاهو به
عنوان سخنگوی ترامپ! آغاز روند جدیدی را اعلام کرد که بر مبنای: لاک دفاعی در
عملیات نظامی است. وی گفت ایران به امریکا تجاوز کرده! و باید در مقابل این تجاوز
ایستادگی کنیم، و در کنار آمریکا باشیم! این جمله، برآیند پروسه 80ساله ای را نشان
می دهد که: توانسته آمریکا را از حالت هجومی، به حالت دفاعی منتقل کند. و او را
قانع کند که دیگر توان حمله ندارد، و باید که به لاک خود فرو رود. در واقع دو راه
بیشتر در جلوی: آمری
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ
السلام علیک یا فاطمه الزهراء سلام الله علیها
اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیکمْ یا اَهْلَ بَیتِ النُّبُوَّة
غدیر؛ نصب جانشین و توجه به مسأله امامت

 1.76 مگابایت
دریافت فایل فلش -  دریافت کد
The society of Imam Mahdi is that of justice, spirituality and dignity
The need for a savior is felt very strongly around the world
In a Qur’an Recitation Ceremony held via videoconferenceThe Leader: Qur’an a Book of Life for all of humanity
Ayatollah Khamenei: The US will be expelled from Iraq and Syria
The U.S. will be expelled from Iraq and Syria
The great struggles of our medical professionals s
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ
السلام علیک یا فاطمه الزهراء سلام الله علیها
اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیکمْ یا اَهْلَ بَیتِ النُّبُوَّة
غدیر؛ نصب جانشین و توجه به مسأله امامت

 1.76 مگابایت
دریافت فایل فلش -  دریافت کد
The society of Imam Mahdi is that of justice, spirituality and dignity
The need for a savior is felt very strongly around the world
In a Qur’an Recitation Ceremony held via videoconferenceThe Leader: Qur’an a Book of Life for all of humanity
Ayatollah Khamenei: The US will be expelled from Iraq and Syria
The U.S. will be expelled from Iraq and Syria
The great struggles of our medical professionals s
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ
السلام علیک یا فاطمه الزهراء سلام الله علیها
اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیکمْ یا اَهْلَ بَیتِ النُّبُوَّة
غدیر؛ نصب جانشین و توجه به مسأله امامت

 1.76 مگابایت
دریافت فایل فلش -  دریافت کد
The society of Imam Mahdi is that of justice, spirituality and dignity
The need for a savior is felt very strongly around the world
In a Qur’an Recitation Ceremony held via videoconferenceThe Leader: Qur’an a Book of Life for all of humanity
Ayatollah Khamenei: The US will be expelled from Iraq and Syria
The U.S. will be expelled from Iraq and Syria
The great struggles of our medical professionals s
طوفانها سیل ها، جنگ ها و ایجاد زمین سوخته،
برای همه بشریت یک پیغام دارد:همه دنیای دست ساخته تمدن غربی، باید از بین برود و
آثار ان محو شود، تا بجای آن بازسازی مطابق اسلام انجام گیرد! درواقع از یکسو،
تمدن غرب انتقام می گیرد! و می گوید اگر قرار است من بمیرم، همه باید بمیرند! لذا
در یمن و عراق، افغانستان وفلسطین و: هند و سریلانکا هرچه آثار تمدنی غرب است، با
شلیک گلوله و بمب و مواد انفجاری، از بین می رود تا مردم، دوباره آنجا را بازسازی
کنند. جمعیت جد
من فکر می کنم یک سندرم جدید وجود دارد که روانپزشکان باید درمان را شروع کنند. این "یک عقده کمبود خانه" نامیده می شود.
اگر وقت زیادی را صرف خواندن مجله های تزئین یا تماشای HGTV می کنید ، در معرض این شرایط هستید. اولین نشانه این است که شما خود را به سمت عکسهای اتاق هایی با زیبایی مجلل ، مجهز به مبلمان و لوازم جانبی جدید هزار دلاری می اندازید. سپس ، هنگامی که متوجه می شوید هرگز نمی توانید چنین بودجه ای را به بودجه شخصی متوسط ​​خود تحمیل کنید ، احساس ع
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ
السلام علیک یا فاطمه الزهراء سلام الله علیها
اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیکمْ یا اَهْلَ بَیتِ النُّبُوَّة
غدیر؛ نصب جانشین و توجه به مسأله امامت

 1.76 مگابایت
دریافت فایل فلش -  دریافت کد
The society of Imam Mahdi is that of justice, spirituality and dignity
The need for a savior is felt very strongly around the world
In a Qur’an Recitation Ceremony held via videoconferenceThe Leader: Qur’an a Book of Life for all of humanity
The goal of the educational system in Iran is to establish an Islamic society based on justice
فهرست مطالب:
مطلب اول     مطلب د
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ
السلام علیک یا فاطمه الزهراء سلام الله علیها
اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیکمْ یا اَهْلَ بَیتِ النُّبُوَّة
غدیر؛ نصب جانشین و توجه به مسأله امامت

 1.76 مگابایت
دریافت فایل فلش -  دریافت کد
The society of Imam Mahdi is that of justice, spirituality and dignity
The need for a savior is felt very strongly around the world
In a Qur’an Recitation Ceremony held via videoconferenceThe Leader: Qur’an a Book of Life for all of humanity
The goal of the educational system in Iran is to establish an Islamic society based on justice
فهرست مطالب:
مطلب اول     مطلب د
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ
السلام علیک یا فاطمه الزهراء سلام الله علیها
اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیکمْ یا اَهْلَ بَیتِ النُّبُوَّة
غدیر؛ نصب جانشین و توجه به مسأله امامت

 1.76 مگابایت
دریافت فایل فلش -  دریافت کد
The society of Imam Mahdi is that of justice, spirituality and dignity
The need for a savior is felt very strongly around the world
In a Qur’an Recitation Ceremony held via videoconferenceThe Leader: Qur’an a Book of Life for all of humanity
The goal of the educational system in Iran is to establish an Islamic society based on justice
فهرست مطالب:
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Arbaeen; World's Biggest Pilgrimage

It's not the
Muslim Hajj, or the Hindu Kumbh Mela. Known as Arbaeen, it is the
world's most populous gathering and you've probably never heard of it!
Not only does the congregation exceed the number of visitors to Mecca
(by a factor of five, in fact), it is more significant than Kumbh Mela,
since the latter is only held every third year. In short, Arbaeen dwarfs
every other rally on the planet, reaching twenty million last year.
That is a staggering %60 of Iraq's entire population, and it is growing
year after year.
Above all, Arbaeen is
unique because it takes place against the backdrop of chaotic and
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ
السلام علیک یا فاطمه الزهراء سلام الله علیها
اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیکمْ یا اَهْلَ بَیتِ النُّبُوَّة
غدیر؛ نصب جانشین و توجه به مسأله امامت

 1.76 مگابایت
دریافت فایل فلش -  دریافت کد
The society of Imam Mahdi is that of justice, spirituality and dignity
The need for a savior is felt very strongly around the world
In a Qur’an Recitation Ceremony held via videoconferenceThe Leader: Qur’an a Book of Life for all of humanity
The goal of the educational system in Iran is to establish an Islamic society based on justice
فهرست مطالب:
مطلب اول     مطلب د
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ
السلام علیک یا فاطمه الزهراء سلام الله علیها
اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیکمْ یا اَهْلَ بَیتِ النُّبُوَّة
غدیر؛ نصب جانشین و توجه به مسأله امامت

 1.76 مگابایت
دریافت فایل فلش -  دریافت کد
The society of Imam Mahdi is that of justice, spirituality and dignity
The need for a savior is felt very strongly around the world
In a Qur’an Recitation Ceremony held via videoconferenceThe Leader: Qur’an a Book of Life for all of humanity
The goal of the educational system in Iran is to establish an Islamic society based on justice
فهرست مطالب:
مطلب اول     مطلب د
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ
السلام علیک یا فاطمه الزهراء سلام الله علیها
اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیکمْ یا اَهْلَ بَیتِ النُّبُوَّة
غدیر؛ نصب جانشین و توجه به مسأله امامت

 1.76 مگابایت
دریافت فایل فلش -  دریافت کد
Imam Sadiq (pbuh), a man of knowledge, struggle & political networking for forming Islamic rule
The society of Imam Mahdi is that of justice, spirituality and dignity
The need for a savior is felt very strongly around the world
In a Qur’an Recitation Ceremony held via videoconferenceThe Leader: Qur’an a Book of Life for all of humanity
Imam Khomeini planted the idea that superpowers are vulnera
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ
السلام علیک یا فاطمه الزهراء سلام الله علیها
اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیکمْ یا اَهْلَ بَیتِ النُّبُوَّة
غدیر؛ نصب جانشین و توجه به مسأله امامت

 1.76 مگابایت
دریافت فایل فلش -  دریافت کد
The society of Imam Mahdi is that of justice, spirituality and dignity
The need for a savior is felt very strongly around the world
In a Qur’an Recitation Ceremony held via videoconferenceThe Leader: Qur’an a Book of Life for all of humanity
The goal of the educational system in Iran is to establish an Islamic society based on justice
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مقدمه ای بر هنر اسلامی 
نر اسلامی توجه بسیاری از دانشمندان غربی1 را که سابقه خوبی در جهت مطالعه و تبلیغ هنر اسلامی داشته اند، جلب کرده است. با وجود این جنبه مثبت، زمانی که به طور مکرر هنر اسلامی را با الگو و معیارهای هنر غربی مورد ارزیابی قرار دادند مطالعه و تبلیغ هنر اسلامی توسط دانشمندان غربی، عامل تضعیف هنر اسلامی شد. دانشمندان غربی، در کنار مطالعه و تبلیغشان در ارتباط با هنرهای جامعه اسلامی، معتقدند که دین اسلام خلاقیت های هنری را محدود
.She martyred because of his Vali
 Vali was her husband.He was her Emam.He was Ali.Especial Ali,Especial and kind Emam for all the world.They love each others very very much and act very kindly with themslves, their children, their neighbourhoods and families and people.We couldn't imagin what's happen for Ali when Zahra(Fatemeh(s)) martyred!How we can imagine what happened for little children  of Zahra!
Her little children were Zeinab,Hossein and Hasan.  
Supporter,Director of the society and a person who knows how to lead people of the world from Allah is Vali. 
 Hassan, was the eldest son of Ali and Muhammad's daughter Fatimah, and was the older brother of Husayn. Muslims respect him as a grandson of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. Among Shia Muslims, Hasan is revered as the se
?What is Islam
in His mercy had sent messengers to convey us, to different peoples,
in different times. Each prophet came with guidance and miracles that
were relevant for his time and for his people, but the message was the
same: That there is only one God and worship is for him alone. This
“Islam” was the religion brought by all the prophets of God. Islam was
the religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them
all). God has in His Grace, addressed this issue to man in His final
revelation, the Noble Quran.
“Do they seek other than the
religion of Allah? When to him submit all creatures in the heavens and
on the earth; and to him, they shall all be returned (83). Say [O,
messenger]: “we believe in Allah and in what has been sent down to u


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