نتایج جستجو برای عبارت :

changing :///

 You must see some of strange things on your life but now we decide familiarize you with one of the strangest events of world that happen every year
In Ashura day (the day that Imam Hussein (third Imam of shia Muslim) and his helper (follower) that resurrected against the cruelty and they were martyred in karbala( one city in Iraq) while number of Imam Hussein helper is 72 and number of enemies is near ten thousand people) an amazing event happens in Karbala and in the Museum of Imam Hussein that kept from a little soil (dust) of the grave of Imam Hussein and in the Ashura morning soil of grave start to changing  to blood until the noon and amazing point is that soil dont get color of blood but it made wet and change to blood if you cant belive it you can go to Karbala and Museum of Imam
امروز به یه جمله ای از ژان لکان برخوردم که خیلی برام جالب شد
                 من تنها از یک سمت میبینم اما از تمام جهات دیده میشوم
خیلی جالب بود داشتم فک میکردم  چقدر درسته و گاهی چقدر حواسمون باشه به همه ی وجه هامون....نه برای این که بقیه چه فکری راجع بهمون میکنن...که برای رشد و یادگیری و تغییر..... گاهی باید خودمونو از بیرون نگاه کنیم تا بهتر بتونیم نقاط ضعف و قوتمون رو بشناسیم و درستش کنیم...
کاش این حرفا فقط حرف نمونه ادامه داشته باشه این روزای خوب
Hello I hope you are well One of the problems I saw several times inside the repair shop The car's shock absorber is not damaged at all, but because the oil inside is finished, they have to use a new shock absorber. In my opinion, by changing the shape of the car's shock absorber, we can pour oil into the shock absorber and there is no need for a new shock absorber. This is just a preliminary idea
سلامامیدوارم حالتون خوب باشهیکی از مشکلاتی که چند بار داخل تعمیرگاه دیدماینه که کمک فنر ماشین اصلا خراب نشده ولی به دلیل اینکه روغن داخلش تموم شده باید کمک فنر جدیدی استفاده کنندبه نظر من با تغییر شکل کمک فنر ماشین, می
Others : video games cause violence. They corrupt teenagers minds.Me playing skyrim which includes fighting, killing, gore scenes and blood : sitting on a chair at the inn listening to the bard playing his lute and just chillin' ... OrHorse riding and enjoying the beautiful nature of Skyrim, some times stopping and just admiring the view!
*video games don't CREATE violence, if someone becomes violent playing them, it's because that they tried channeling their anger and rage through games but they couldn't so they have no choice but to unleash it in the real world. There is nothing wrong with the games! So instead of changing the subject, confront the real question, where does this anger and rage come from? Why? How to stop it and how to help! Not ... " oh it's because of all the games you
جذب همسر دلخواه مورد علاقه را می توان با تمرین روی ضمیر ناخودآگاه انجام داد. سعی کنید به آرامی دراز بکشید و شروع به سخن گفتن در مورد خصوصیات مورد علاقه همسر آینده­تان با ضمیر ناخودآگاهتان کنید. اینکار را مکررا انجام دهید تا طبق قانون جذب فرد مورد نظر را به سوی خود جذب کنید.
جذب همسر دلخواه
هر چه را که انسان در ضمیر ناخودآگاه خود ضبط می کند به شکلی خاص در دنیای واقعی ظاهر می شود. بنابراین لازم است برای جذب همسر دلخواه تان ابتدا از ضمیر ناخودآگ
سلام دوستان و به قسمت دوم از وبلاگ زدایان (آموزش وب با طعم فان) خوش اومدین :)
تو این قسمت باز خبری از کد نویسی و طراحی نیست! (احححح) باش باش قول میدم سر وقت اونا رو هم آماده کنم. البت این رو هم بگم قرار نیست آموزش کامل باشه فقط یک سری مفاهیم پایه هستن تا متوجه بشین چیز پیچیده ای نیست و فقط تمرین میخواد. خب بریم سراغ آموزش امروز این قسمتمون :)
خب اول از همه اینکه اگر نمیدونین از کدام ویرایشگر استفاده میکنین باید به قسمتتنظیمات - تنظیمات مرکز مدیریت و
UnemploymentEconomists used to classify unemployment as frictional, structural, demand-deficient and classical. We discuss each in turn.Frictional UnemploymentThis is the irreducible minimum level of unemployment in a dynamic society. It includes people whose physical or mental handicaps make them almost unemployment, but it also include the people spending short spells in unemployment as they hop between jobs in an economy where both the labor force and the jobs on offer are continually changing.Structural UnemploymentIn the longer run, the pattern of demand and production is always changing. In recent decades, industries such as textiles and heavy engineering have been declining in the UK. Structural unemployment refers to unemployment arising because there is a mismatch of skills and jo
حدود یک سال و چند ماه قبل در همین وبلاگ نوشتم: «من برای محاسبه «مشتق تابع (Y=2cos²(π/6—π/4 هنگامی که X=π/6 باشد.» آفریده نشدم.» بعد از یک سال امروز مبحث مشتق در کلاس ریاضیات پیش دانشگاهی برای ما در رشته اقتصاد تدریس شد. در این فاصله یکساله اتفاقات عجیبی برای من رخ‌داد که من بعد از این مدت دوباره به مشتق رسیدم. مسیری که امروز مرا به مشتق رسانده برخلاف مسیر قبلی انتخاب خودم است و این شاید مهمترین دستاوردی باشد که در یک سال اخیر بدست آورده‌‌ام. حتی اگ
حدود یک سال و چند ماه قبل در همین وبلاگ نوشتم: «من برای محاسبه «مشتق تابع (Y=2cos²(π/6—π/4 هنگامی که X=π/6 باشد.» آفریده نشدم.» بعد از یک سال امروز مبحث مشتق در کلاس ریاضیات پیش ما در رشته اقتصاد تدریس شد. در این فاصله یکساله اتفاقات عجیبی برای من رخ‌داده که من بعد از این مدت دوباره به مشتق رسیدم. مسیری که امروز مرا به مشتق رسانده برخلاف مسیر قبلی انتخاب خودم است و این شاید مهمترین دستاوردی باشد که در یک سال اخیر بدست آورده‌ باشم حتی اگر کل پروسه تغ
In today’s competitive world that is rapidly changing, the organizations should be seen the changes as one of main competitive axes.The organizations can create this changes and innovation through entrepreneurship. On the other hand, having a strategic though is integral part of advanced organizations in competitive environment and the Balanced Score Card (BSC) such as strategic planning instruments is in organizations. In this paper, with combining of entrepreneurship and financial and non-financial indexes of the balanced score card was presented a model of prioritizing for dimensions of entrepreneurship; this prioritizing model can help to the strategy of organizations about entrepreneurship. In this prioritizing model, the structure of evaluation of entrepreneurship dimensions from t
Hurin mineral water is an evolution in mineral water industry. Production of mineral water as a mineral drug.
Evolution is the start of birth. A rebirth.  A society or an occupation could be evoluted in the case all the people in it, start changing their own actions, behavior and manner. Then these would expand.
As one of the major concerns of Hurin mineral water is to keep the society healthy, we decided to seek health not only for our country, but also for the entire countries all over the world in several continents. Our duty is to spread health and long life, by means of mineral drugs. Let’s take care of our health and prioritize our body and soul.
Hurin mineral water
In the reading section, the writer contends that reading less literature materials has negative effects on the reading public, culture in general, and the future of literature itself; however, in the lecture, the professor casts doubts on the reading points by presenting some reasons and examples.
First of all, the writer claims that literature play a key role in stimulating public intellectual by cultivating our imaginations, sympathies, and language skills; in contrast, the professor rejects this notion by stating that reading public is not constrained to one form, literature. nowadays there exists a large variety of other subjects such as history and science with high quality which can be replaced. She mentions that literature is one of the means.
Moreover, contrary to the idea in the r
دلیل تغییر رفتار پس از ازدواج چه می‌تواند باشد؟ بسیاری از افراد بعد از ازدواج حس می‌کنند روابطی را که در دوران نامزدی و قبل از ازدواج با همسرشان تجربه کرده‌اند بعد از ازدواج از بین رفته است. همانطور که امید به تغییر دادن همسر بعد ازدواجوجود دارد، نامیدی از تغییرات منفی و یا کم‌علاقگی هم ممکن است بوجود آید. ممکن است زنی متوجه شود که همسرش نسبت به او بی‌علاقه شده و مردی حس کند که رفتارهای شریک زندگی‌اش بعد از ازدواج کاملا تغییر کرده و محب
داشتم فکر میکردم دیدم WooOow
کلی چیز این وسط عوض شده!
عادت های زیادی داشتم که همه عوض شدنو باعث شده لبخند بیاد رو لبم!
من یه آدمی بودم که هیچ وقت شب درس نمیخوند!چون بنظرش روز گیراییش خیلی بیشتر بود!الان همه چی عوض شده!هر وقت بیدار باشم میتونم و میخونم!
من یه آدمی بودم که همش با آدم ها درس میخوندم و تمرین حل میکردم!ولی الان شرایط جوریه که مجبورم تنه تمرکز کنم رو سوالا :)
به جز داستان کرونا و این فاصله های اجتماعی که پدید اومده ، داستان معده دردم باعث
پمپ کولر آبی مهم ترین بخش یک کولر آبی است. در واقع اگر خللی در عملکرد پمپ آب به وجود آید، در دیگر بخش های کولر هم تاثیر می گذارد و در کل سرمای خوبی را از کولر آبی نخواهیم داشت. 
اگر مشاهده کردید که پمپ کولر آبی خراب است پس نیاز دارید که برای تعویض پمپ کولر آبی اقدام کنید. در این مقاله به مهم ترین نکات تعویض پمپ کولر آبی می پردازیم.
قسمت‌های مختلف پمپ کولر آبی را بشناسیم
یک پمپ از قسمت‌های مختلفی تشکیل‌شده است که خراب شدن هرکدام از آن‌ها منجر
What is front-end development? The front-end is everything involved with what the user sees, including design and some languages like HTML and CSS. 
There are a lot of different jobs associated with the front-end. Keep in mind that a lot of these titles are subjective, so while front-end developer may mean something at one company, it can mean something completely different at another company. 
Here are a few examples of front-end job titles:
A web designer, you guessed it, designs websites. The job title of web designer is pretty broad, though. A web designer could just be someone who designs the sites in a program like Photoshop or Fireworks and will never touch the code. But in another location, a web designer could do all the design comps in Photoshop, and then be r
Keep a record of paint colours, brand names, and places used, as well as a paint sample on wood paint stir sticks hung on a beaded chain. Now you can take your paint library to the shop with you to match colours or choose complementary or contrasting ones.
Moving the wallsColour can also create optical illusions. For example, light colours reflect light and make the small room seem larger. Warm colours seem to advance and ‘fill’ space, whereas cool colours tend to recede. A white ceiling will seem higher; a dark ceiling will appear lower.
Complementary colours – in this case apple-green and violet – make for a striking decorative effect.
One room, four waysSame room, same furniture, these four pictures show just how easy it is to create different styles simply by changing the colou

سیم گاز موتور سیکلت چیست؟
سیم گاز موتور سیکلت از چند رشته سیم به هم تابیده شده آلومینیومی تشکیل شده و معمولا طول آن تا ۱۵۰ سانتی متر میباشد و وظیفه آن انتقال قوای حرکتی از دسته گاز موتور سیکلت به انجین، بمنظور تعیین دور سرعت موتور سیکلت میباشد. سیم گاز موتور سیکلت همانگونه که در تصویر زیر میبینید بمنظور اینکه به راحتی پاره نشود از چند رشته سیم به هم تابیده تشکیل شده است:

سیم گاز موتور سیکلت در بازار به دو صورت با روکش و بدون روکش موجود
چطوری از STD_logic  استفاده کنیم.
The most common type used in VHDL is the std_logic. Think of this type as a single bit, the digital information carried by a single physical wire. The std_logic gives us a more fine-grained control over the resources in our design than the integer type, which we have been using in the previous tutorials.
Normally, we want a wire in a digital interface to have either the value '1' or '0'. These two values are the only values that a bit, a binary digit, can have. But in reality, a physical digital signal can be in a number of states, which the std_logic type does a good job emulating. Therefore it is the most frequently used type in VHDL.
The std_logic type can have the following values:
This may seem like a lot of different
There's gotta be a reason that I'm here on earth
Gotta be a reason for the dust and the dirt
The changing of the seasons never change my hurt
?So what's it worth, what's it worth
 Worth another shot of whiskey and another sip of gin
Another drop of poison that is slowly sinkin' in
If we're going down together, better take another hit
We won't be here forever so let's make the best of it
Gotta be a reason
Alec Benjamin 
+ازتون خواهش می‌کنم که برید کل آلبوم narrated for you رو گوش بدید.
این‌قدر خوبه، این‌قدر قشنگه، این‌قدر عالیه که کلمات واقعا توصیفش نمی‌کنن. 
الان بیشتر از یه هفته‌ست که یه سره دارم گوشش می‌دم و سیر نشدم. 
مکالمه های مهم و کاربردی  برای خرید لباس در انگلیسی.What size do you wear? I wear a 16.شما چه سایزی می‌پوشید؟(سایز شما چند است؟) سایز من 16 است..Does this shirt come in blue?آیا این پیراهن رنگ آبی هم داره؟ (در رنگ آبی هم برایتان آمده است؟).Does this T-shirt fit me? No, it doesn’t fit you well.آیا این تی شرت اندازه من میشه؟ نه، به خوبی اندازه ات نیست..It fits you but it does not look good on you.اندازه ات است اما به تو نمی آید..Can I try on this coat? Sure, the changing room is thereمی تونم این کت رو پرو کنم؟ بله اتاق پرو اونجاست..Do you have these shi
امروز یک دانشجوی کارشناسی تازه نفس بهم زنگ زد. فکر کنم یک هفته ای هست که دانشجو شده شماره منو از یه استادی گرفته (که انگار شوخیش گرفته) و گفت میتونه تو نوشتن مقاله بهم کمک کنه! و پیله.فکر کنید من بتوانم به کسی کمک کنم مقاله بنویسه در حال که خودم چنین کاری نکردم و شاید یهو انصراف دادم!
زمان داره میره جلو و اوضاع داره پیچیده میشه. من آن اوایل ترم یک کارشناسی یک گوشه نشسته بودم و از دور همه چیز را وارسی میکردم حتی یک مدت تو محوطه مینشستم و خودم را رو
اینکه دلیل اصرار من برای اینکه برام پیام صوتی بفرستین رو میخوام بگم.
راستش من صدای فوق العاده و فولانی ندارم اما اکثر اوقات دوست دارم پیامم رو بجای نوشتن تو شبکه های اجتماعی بصورت ویس بفرستم.هم میشه بیشتر حرف زد هم انگشت خسته نمیشه هم احساس رو مثل بغز و خشم و کنایه رو میشه بروز داد.یکم اعتماد به نفس میخواد.اگه می دونین طرف یا جایی که ویستون رو میفرستین اهل شیطونت بازی نیست ویس بدین.با حاله تازه صدای خودتون رو هم بعدش گوش بدین.کم کم تپق
از این روست که میگویند استرس و اضطراب چون زنگ خطری است که از تهدید و اتفاق نا خوشایندی در آینده نه چندان دور خبر میدهد. استرس همیشه منفی و نا مطلوب نیست بلکه در برخی از شرایط زندگی نقش محافظتی و امنیتی را بر عهده دارد. برای پیشرفت، فرار از یکنواختی و شرایط مهلک و نابود کننده حدی از استرس برای همه ضرورت مییابد.
https://anokaramsey.learn.minnstate.edu/d2l/lms/blog/view_userentry.d2l?ou=1691&ownerId=1679965&entryId=8245&ec=1&iu=1&sp=&gb=usr http://soils.ucdavis.edu/index.php?cID=72&bID=17&arHandle=Blog+Post+Footer&
While Google plans to offer 10 Mode on Android in the wider operating system environment and has already added this feature to many Android applications, there are still many key applications on the platform that They suffer from a lack of dark theme and users are interested in seeing their white texts on a dark background. One of these apps is Gmail.
But the trend seems to be changing. According to Android Central, some social network users have shared images that suggest the addition of Dark Fashion to the Gmail app. When it comes to your phone, there will be three choices: Light, Dark and System Default.
Dark Mode has been added to the latest version of Gmail
To access the dark theme, first of all, make sure you have the latest version of the Gmail app, 2019.08.18.267044774. While some
spirit health index
When the Spirit became strong so the influence of the pollution becomes less and the focus goes up so the spirit health index is the amount and power of focus
Attention to spiritual needsWe feel the need Because for need is there one thingwhere is the need of God and emotional and sexual and attentional needsThere is no time for the spirit and the person says problems and looking for a treatment for something from years agoor arrest the offender even after years of changing human chemical moleculesor some predict some things from the future or something they haven't seenor spiritual needs are not wasted like physical needsIn fact, physical and Spiritual needs were merged Because access to the spirit cause access becomes easier
How to strengthen the spiritTo cleanse the
spirit health index
When the Spirit became strong so the influence of the pollution becomes less and the focus goes up so the spirit health index is the amount and power of focus
Attention to spiritual needsWe feel the need Because for need is there one thingwhere is the need of God and emotional and sexual and attentional needsThere is no time for the spirit and the person says problems and looking for a treatment for something from years agoor arrest the offender even after years of changing human chemical moleculesor some predict some things from the future or something they haven't seenor spiritual needs are not wasted like physical needsor the law of attraction that says whatever you think is happeningIn fact, physical and Spiritual needs were merged and access to the spirit cause ac
World & Its Different Levels
Multilevel World 
As we know, two visible and explainable systems are discovered so far. The system which is as result of electrical force and other is as result of gravity force. Systems as result of ultra gravity force or infra electrical force, are not revealable and are inaccessible base upon latest scientist’s theories and observations but with the help of some evidence, some possibilities could be discussable and exist.
Every force creates and controls its own system. Electrical force creates and controls electrical system and also gravity force creates and controls gravitational system.
By the way, ultra gravitational force creates ultra gravity system and ultra ultra gravitational creates ultra ultra gravitational system and it continu
spirit health index
When the Spirit became strong so the influence of the pollution becomes less and the focus goes up so the spirit health index is the amount and power of focus
Attention to spiritual needsWe feel the need Because for need is there one thingwhere is the need of God and emotional and sexual and attentional needsThere is no time for the spirit and the person says problems and looking for a treatment for something from years agoor arrest the offender even after years of changing human chemical moleculesor some predict some things from the future or something they haven't seenor spiritual needs are not wasted like physical needsor the law of attraction that says whatever you think is happening or whatever happening you thinkingIn fact, physical and Spiritual needs were merge
spirit health index
When the Spirit became strong so the influence of the pollution becomes less and the focus goes up so the spirit health index is the amount and power of focus
Attention to spiritual needsWe feel the need Because for need is there one thingwhere is the need of God and emotional and sexual and attentional needsThere is no time for the spirit and the person says problems and looking for a treatment for something from years agoor arrest the offender even after years of changing human chemical moleculesor some predict some things from the future or something they haven't seenor spiritual needs are not wasted like physical needs Which may not be compensatedor the law of attraction that says whatever you think is happeningIn fact, physical and Spiritual needs were merged and
Basic Concepts in Firewalld
Zones: The firewalld daemon manages groups of rules using entities called “zones”
predefined zones:
drop: The lowest level of trust. All incoming connections are dropped without reply and only outgoing connections are possible.block: Similar to the above, but instead of simply dropping connections, incoming requests are rejected with an icmp-host-prohibited or icmp6-adm-prohibited message.public: Represents public, untrusted networks. You don’t trust other computers but may allow selected incoming connections on a case-by-case basis.external: External networks in the event that you are using the firewall as your gateway. It is configured for NAT masquerading so that your internal network remains private but reachable.internal: The other side of the externa
Rooms that face south, south-east or south-west receive little or no sunshine during the day, making them dark and uninviting. You can lend some cheer to such a room by choosing from a palette of warm colours – yellow, red, orange and brown. Likewise, you can make sunny rooms seem cool with blues, greens, greys and lavenders. But beware of those cool colours if you live in a cold climate. Research shows that people feel colder in rooms with cool colours, If you are committed to off-white, choose either a warm or a cool tint of that neutral colour depending on its desired effect.
Colour libraryKeep a record of paint colours, brand names, and places used, as well as a paint sample on wood paint stir sticks hung on a beaded chain. Now you can take your paint library to the shop with you to
شما برای داشتن آرامش و زیبا زیستن نیاز به تغییر زندگیتان دارید. به قول استفان کوی، نویسنده بزرگ غربی، سه چیز در زندگی ثابت است: تغییر، انتخاب و اصول.
ایجاد تغییر دکوراسیون در محیط کار و منزل شاید خیلی برای آقایان حائز اهمیت نباشد اما ذکر این نکته خالی از لطف نیست که خانمها اگر یک سال در محیطی یکنواخت زندگی کنند، رفته رفته استرس ها و فرسودگی ذهنی آنها آغاز میشود.
از مقدمه که بگذریم، تغییر در منزل میتواند به سادگی خرید یک ست مبلمان جدید ب
اصلی ترین مکانیزم تولید نفت در مخازن کربناته شکافدار ، مکانیسم اشام  خودبخودی است  که به دلیل نفت دوست بودن شبکه ماتریسی سنگ این مکانیسم نمی تواند چندان موثر واقع شود و در نتیجه حجم زیادی از نفت همچنان درون شبکه ماتریسی سنگ در مخزن باقی می ماند.در نتیجه هر فرایندی که بتواند حالت ترشوندگی شبکه ماتریسی سنگ را به اب دوست تغییر دهد، فرایند موثر در ازدیاد برداشت از مخازن کربناته شکافدار محسوب می شود.

The main mechanism of oil production in fissile carbonate reservoirs is the sel
The engineers at ExpressPCB have assembled a few general rules-of-thumb that can help beginners design their first circuit board. These tips are not specific to using our CAD software, but instead, provide an overview to help explain how to position the components on the board and how to wire them together.Placing ComponentsGenerally, it is best to place parts only on the top side of the board.Continue on Link below:http://pcbdesign.ir/1398/04/12/Tips-for-Designing-PCBs
When placing components, make sure that the snap-to-grid is turned on. Usually, a value of 0.050″ for the snap grid is best for this job.First place all the components that need to be in specific locations. This includes connectors, switches, LEDs, mounting holes, heat sinks or any other item that mounts to an externa
یکی از مراحل هنگام سرویس کولر آبی تعویض پوشال کولر آبی است. معمولا با شروع زنگ گرمی هوا، کم کم به پشت بام ها می رویم و برای تعویض پوشال کولر آبی اقدام می کنیم. با وجود این که همه ما ممکن است نحوه تعویض پوشال کولر آبی را به صورت تجربی بلد باشیم اما بهتر است نحوه انجام این کار به همراه نکات آن را از زبان یک سرویکار باتجربه بشنویم.
با تعویض پوشال کولر آبی قدرت کولر را بهبود بدهید
پوشال کولر آبی دریچه ورود هوا به داخل کولر است تا این هوا در اثر فرآی
Macro-management of gas consumption pattern correction
The plan is to integrate macro management of the gas consumption model based on MIG’s comprehensive information and communication technology system in the form of access to macro management information and solutions and to present a plan to reduce energy consumption according to the cultural, media and cultural approach to reducing gas consumption. . In this master plan, looking at the impact of the target audience, it is attempted to explain the value of saving gas and presenting a targeted Islamic saving style.
 In summary, the main goals and presentations of this comprehensive plan are:
۱٫ The possibility of metropolitan planning in the field of gas consumption
۲- Possibility to manage optimal gas consumption
۳٫ Assist in ma
Pair are the first to fall victim to the borough’s controversial busking licence which came into force in 2014
Beatboxers Fredy Garcia, left, and Alex Hackett ( Peter Macdiarmid )
Fredy Beats and ABH Beatbox, aka Fredy Garcia and Alex Hackett, are champion beatboxers who found inspiration in Camden Town’s legendary north London music scene. Ironic, then, that Camden Council has just prosecuted the pair for busking without a licence.
The beatboxers – who use their amplified voices to mimic percussion – are the first to fall victim to the borough’s controversial busking licence which came into force in 2014.
On 3 March, Mr Garcia and Mr Hackett were ordered to pay £220, including a £100 fine, at Highbury Magistrates’ Court after they pleaded guilty to busking without a licence
Basically, API level means the Android version. This defines for
which version you are targeting your application and what is going to be
the minimum level of android version in your application will run. For
setting Minimum level and Maximum level android studio provides two
minSdkVersion means minimum Android OS version that will support your app and targetSdkVersion
means the version for which you are actually developing your
application. Your app will be compatible with all the version of android
which are falling between minimum level SDK and target SDK.
How to change API SDK level in Android Studio
For changing the API level in android we have two different Approaches, let’s check both one by one:
Approach 1 To Change SDK API Level in Android Studio:
Step 1: O
استفاده از تور و رزین
Using net and resin at the back of the stone provides more strength in finishing, transportation, and installation stages. Furthermore, net prevents marbles from changing color. European thin epoxy can easily penetrate into stone and fill the small holes thus bringing a natural and clean look to the stone. It also increases the strength of the stone and helps the finishing stage to be accomplished with global standards.
استفاده از توری و رزین در پشت سنگ، سبب می گردد تا سنگ استحکام بیشتری چه در مرحله فرآوری و چه در مرحله حمل و نقل و نصب داشته باشد. علاوه بر این وجود توری در پشت سنگ از تغییر رنگ سنگ و ایجاد
استفاده از تور و رزین
Using net and resin at the back of the stone provides more strength in finishing, transportation, and installation stages. Furthermore, net prevents marbles from changing color. European thin epoxy can easily penetrate into stone and fill the small holes thus bringing a natural and clean look to the stone. It also increases the strength of the stone and helps the finishing stage to be accomplished with global standards.
استفاده از توری و رزین در پشت سنگ، سبب می گردد تا سنگ استحکام بیشتری چه در مرحله فرآوری و چه در مرحله حمل و نقل و نصب داشته باشد. علاوه بر این وجود توری در پشت سنگ از تغییر رنگ سنگ و ایجاد
Let's concretely look at the formulation of the marketing strategy that Company A conducted against the "six processes" mentioned at the beginning.
<Analysis of Information>
(1. Marketing Environment Analysis 2. Identification of Marketing Tasks) When 
we analyze the environment of Company A, internally there is the advantage of "community-based type", on the other hand, It is inferior to the scale and the number of stores ".
As a result, we have concluded that there is no way to survive if competing bargain sale with major companies in the current situation, and should be differentiated on their own lines.
Marketing challenges are "improving profitability".
<Drafting strategy>
(3. Selection of target market 4. Positioning 5. Optimization
Economics is the science of production, exchange, and consumption in economic systems. It shows how scarce resources can be used to increase human wealth and welfare.           
Its central focus is on scarcity and choice. Scarcity is the fundamental economic condition of human life. The resources available to produce goods are limited, so that the goods themselves are scarce. Economic scarcity requires people to make economic choices, and economics is about comparing alternatives and choosing among them.
The need for choices is evident at all levels of life, from personal affairs to matters of worldwide urgency. On personal level, one might like to have excellent food and clothes, spacious living quarters furnished in style, frequent travel and so on. Yet because the
دانلود ترجمه مقاله 2013 الزویر با عنوان (Viable System Model for Manufacturing Execution Systems) Viable System Model MES Cognition Ramp up Automation Christian Brechera Wolfram Lohsea homas Breitbacha

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637 کیلو بایت

تعداد صفحات فایل

Christian Brechera, Simon Müllera*, Thomas Breitbacha, Wolfram Lohsea 
کلمات کلیدی:Viable System Model; MES; Cognition; Ramp-up; Automation
Abstract The complexity of automated production systems results in a variety of different objectives that have to be considered in the rampup phase. In regard to planning and control of production processes the underlying optimization problem is multi-
What is the sprite
Proof of sprite
We feel the need Because for need is there one thingwhere is the need of God and emotional and sexual and attentional needsThere is no Time and destruction for the spirit and it makes the spirit different from other thingspersons says problems and looking for a treatment for something from years agoor arrest of offender even after years of changing human chemical moleculesor some predict some things from the future or something they haven't seenor spiritual needs are not wasted like physical needs Which may not be compensatedor the law of attraction that says whatever you think is happeningor looking for someone to marry who has never had a relationship That's not to say a bad relationshipIn fact, physical and Spiritual needs were merged and access to the
When compared with other countries I can
say that Iran would be one of the best destinations in terms of hair transplant
You Can Have your Hair Back at
Affordable Prices
Hair transplant operations are rather
affordable in comparison to other countries. In Europe and in the US, you need
a budget of $7000 – $25000 (depending on several factors), and yet in Iran, you
need a budget around 1000$ for your hair transplant operation.
No Need to Wait for an Appointment
In many other countries, because of
the lack of hair transplant surgery teams, you need to wait for long periods to
make an appointment for your hair transplant, and schedule your hair transplant
for a later date. In Iran, you can make an appointment for your hair transplant
for an approaching date, and have your hai
What is the sprite
Proof of sprite
We feel the need Because for need is there one thingwhere is the need of God and emotional and attentional needsThere is no Time and destruction for the spirit and it makes the spirit different from other thingspersons says problems and looking for a treatment for something from years agoor arrest of offender even after years of changing human chemical moleculesor some predict some things from the future or something they haven't seenor spiritual needs are not wasted like physical needs Which may not be compensatedor the law of attraction that says whatever you think is happeningor looking for someone to marry who has less to do with the opposite sexIn fact, physical and Spiritual needs were merged and access to the spirit cause access becomes easier
What is the sprite
Proof of sprite
We feel the need Because for need is there one thingwhere is the need of God and emotional and attentional needsThere is no Time and destruction for the spirit and it makes the spirit different from other thingspersons says problems and looking for a treatment for something from years agoor arrest of offender even after years of changing human chemical moleculesor some predict some things from the future or something they haven't seenor spiritual needs are not wasted like physical needs Which may not be compensatedor the law of attraction that says whatever you think is happeningor looking for someone to marry who has never had a relationship That's not to say a bad relationshipIn fact, physical and Spiritual needs were merged and access to the spirit cau
What is the sprite
Proof of sprite
We feel the need Because for need is there one thingwhere is the need of God and emotional and attentional needsThere is no Time and destruction for the spirit and it makes the spirit different from other thingspersons says problems and looking for a treatment for something from years agoor arrest of offender even after years of changing human chemical moleculesor some predict some things from the future or something they haven't seenor spiritual needs are not wasted like physical needs Which may not be compensatedor the law of attraction that says whatever you think is happeningor looking for someone to marry who has never had a relationship That's not to say a bad relationshipIn fact, physical and Spiritual needs were merged and access to the spirit cau

تاثیر دکوراسیون در روحیه
از تاثیر دکوراسیون در روحیه غافل نشوید. خانه و دکوراسیون، می تواند در ایجاد یا کاهش استرس روزانه نقش داشته باشد. امروزه احساس می کنیم دائماً با کوه بزرگی از استرس خالص و پر فشار احاطه شده ایم. استرس سطح کورتیزول ما را بالا می برد وافزایش سطح کورتیزول می تواند منجر به نوسانات خلقی، احساس تحریک پذیری یا افسردگی و افزایش سریع وزن اغلب در شکم یا صورت شود. استرس روزمره ما ناشی از عوامل زیادی مانند شغل و روابط ما است.
When you change, people might like you or not. But the truth is, you shouldn’t unchange your changes :)
I’ve already written a post about those unpleasant situations, where some one that you like, changes, and the result of those changes, simply cannot be acceptable by you! You cannot understand the reasons of those changes and you can’t love the new person you’ve known previously, anymore. 
So, the solution I suggested, or the approach I took to confront that scenario of life, was that I used to accept it. I chose to accept the new personality in front of me, replaced that with the picture I’ve already had from that person, and then decided to make a new decision, to determine whether or not, I want to like that person, be in contact with her/him from now on, or not.
But now, t
   به نظر می رسد تغییر در رفتار آمریکا شروع شده، البته  باید ادامه پیدا کند، تا راه نجات آمریکایی ها فر برسد. یکی از دلایل دشمنی ایران با دولت آمریکا، حضور نظامی آن در کشورهای منطقه، با رویکرد دخالت در امور کشورها، مخصوصا در ایران بوده است. به نظر می رسد امریکا در حال تغییر در این رویه است، و اگر به درستی ادامه پیدا کند، تغییرات مورد نظر ایران اعمال شده، راه برای تغییر رفتار های مستکبرانه آمریکا باز می شود. به عنوان یک علامت مثبت، باید به آن ن
  As an ever increasing number of organizations move their applications to the cloud, and progressively grasp multi-cloud situations, the need to anchor the cloud-based remaining tasks at hand will become further. In a cutting edge crossover datacenter, suppliers address the necessities of outstanding task at hand assurance design that achieve physical, virtual machines (VMs) and different open cloud situations. assurance stages (CWpp) give associations an incorporated method to oversee strategies and secure various remaining burdens utilizing a solitary administration reassure. Cloud get to security representatives (CASBs) address holes in security coming about because of the critical increment in cloud administration and portable utilization. CASBs give data security experts a solita
If you are getting an error message or Pop-UP which says “The page has expired. Click OK to continue.” This means that your Cloud Control session has expired or timeout as there was no activity in your session.
The default value for session timeout is 45 minutes. Can we increase this session timeout frame, YES! You can. You set this value as per requirement of your company’s security policy. It may vary for different clients or companies.
As per your requirement you can increase the Session Timeout time by changing the value of “oracle.sysman.eml.maxInactiveTime” parameter. Also note that the value for this parameter is always defined in Minutes. In-my case the requirement was to keep the session active unless the user itself does not logs out from the application. So I se
for youحجم: 5.7 مگابایتتوضیحات: برای نمایش و یا دانلود روی لینک کلیک کنید
متاسفانه مرورگر شما، قابیلت پخش فایل های صوتی تصویری را در قالب HTML5 دارا نمی باشد. توصیه ما به شما استفاده از مروگرهای رایج و بروزرسانی آن به آخرین نسخه می باشد با این حال ممکن است مرورگرتان توسط پلاگین خود قابلیت پخش این فایل را برای تان فراهم آورد.

[Verse 1: Rita Ora] In your eyes, I’m alive در چشمانت، زنده ام Inside you’re beautiful درون زیبایی تو
Something so unusual in your eyes چیزی غیر معمول در چشمان تو I know
While it is often challenging for any employee navigating work life to be a member of the LGBTQ community, transgender people tend to face the most severe problems, particularly in terms of discrimination. In 2016, the National Transgender Discrimination Survey found that 16 percent of transgender people had lost a job due to bias and that the unemployment rate among respondents was 15 percent, which was three times as high as the rate of unemployment in the U.S. population. In addition, in the year leading up to the survey, 30 percent of transgender respondents who had a job reported facing mistreatment at work due to their gender identity or expression This prejudice is present not only in employment but in society in general. Transgender people face pervasive mistreatment and violence
Dubai permanent makeup:
One of the most favorite things among women is Dubai permanent makeup. Because it does not worry about the loss of facial, eyebrow, lip and ... makeup by taking a permanent quality makeup. Hence, we have decided to provide useful information on Dubai permanent makeup and our services in this area.
What is the reason we have Dubai permanent makeup offer?
Dubai permanent Makeup  is a method of correcting defects and irregularities that are not just physical beautification, but as the clients themselves claim creates internal changes, restoring self-esteem and vitality as well.
The technique itself can be done manually or with a machine, by introducing the pigment under the surface layer of the skin.
This way makeup becomes temporary.
The goal is to achieve a beautifu
What is the sprite
Proof of sprite
We feel the need Because for need is there one thingwhere is the need of God and emotional and sexual and attentional needsThere is no Time and destruction for the spirit and it makes the spirit different from other thingspersons says problems and looking for a treatment for something from years agoor arrest of offender even after years of changing human chemical moleculesor some predict some things from the future or something they haven't seenor spiritual needs are not wasted like physical needs Which may not be compensatedor the law of attraction that says whatever you think is happeningor looking for someone to marry who has never had a relationship That's not to say a bad relationshipIn fact, physical and Spiritual needs were merged and access to the
RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process
RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process
When we are taking archive log backup with delete then got an error.
RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process
archived log file name=/pac/lci9t1/arch/redo_1_16470_842608348.arc thread=1 sequence=16470
RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process
archived log file name=/pac/lci9t1/arch/redo_1_16471_842608348.arc thread=1 sequence=16471
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Cause: The archive logs seems that it is not yet applied in the s
برندگان جوایز نوبل سال 2019ارسال پیام دایرکت اینستاگرام از کامپیوتردانلود عکس ها و ویدئوهای اینستاگرام با یک کلیکتفاوت BIOS و UFEI چیست؟در متا آینه ها (metamirrors) چه چیزی می توان دید؟تفاوت یادگیری ماشین با هوش مصنوعی چیست؟چه تعداد فوتون در جهان وجود دارد؟سریع ترین اَبَرکامپیوترهای جهان در سال 2018دمای صفر مطلق چیست؟اَبَرخون چیست؟پیش بینی زلزله با ردیابی حیوانات از فضابستن زخم به کمک لیزرتعریف رسمی یک کیلوگرم تغییر می کندبهترین شبیه سازهای اندرو
RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process
RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process
When we are taking archive log backup with delete then got an error.
RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process
archived log file name=/pac/lci9t1/arch/redo_1_16470_842608348.arc thread=1 sequence=16470
RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process
archived log file name=/pac/lci9t1/arch/redo_1_16471_842608348.arc thread=1 sequence=16471
RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process
Cause: The archive logs seems that it is not yet applied in the s
permanent makeup Dubai:
One of the most favorite things among women is permanent makeup Dubai. Because it does not worry about the loss of facial, eyebrows, lips and ... makeup by taking a permanent makeup Dubai. Hence, we have decided to provide useful information in Dubai permanent makeup and our services in this area.
Types of services to be used in permanent makeup  Dubai:
As we mentioned, Dubai permanent make-up is a new and highly specialized method that will increase the quality of work.
Hence, in this section, we are going to describe the types of services that are offered to you by our customers in a permanent arrangement.
Dubai Permanent eye makeup:
With Dubai micropigmentation, you can have a permanent eye makeup.
Micropigmentation is done on the eyelid and can be used to make
آموزش کامل جاوا اسکریپت شرکت لیندا با زیرنویس فارسی
در این دوره آموزشی شما بصورت تصویری با اصول اولیه و معرفی JavaScript با زیرنویس فارسی آشنا می شوید

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برنامه نویسی و طراحی وب

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0 کیلو بایت

تعداد صفحات فایل

آموزش کامل جاوا اسکریپت شرکت لیندا با زیرنویس فارسی

قسمت : 56 قسمت کوتاه
وضعیت محصول : غیر رایگان
سطح آموزش : مقدماتی
زبان : انگلیسی با زیرنویس فارسی
مدت زمان : 5 ساعت
حجم دوره: 460 مگابایت

در این دوره آ
  people have brief reminiscences in relation to what they take into consideration normal weather, in accordance with new investigate.
  On normal, people base their notion of normal weather on what has took place in just the earlier two to 8 a long time, researchers report from the journal proceedings from the Countrywide Academy of Sciences. This disconnect with the historic local weather document may possibly obscure the publicˉs notion of climate adjust.anaged VPN Service is mature in VPN China and HK market with a variety of Private Network service providers.
  Thereˉs a threat that weˉll speedily normalize circumstances we donˉt would like to normalize, claims lead writer Frances C. Moore, an assistant professor in the environmental science and plan department on the
permanent makeup:
One of the most favorite things among women is a permanent makeup. Because it does not worry about the loss of facial, eyebrow, lip and ... makeup by taking a permanent quality makeup.
Hence, we have decided to provide useful information on the permanent makeup and our services in this area.
The benefits of permanent makeup:
Permanent makeup or micropigmentation, such as tattooed eyebrows, is a good idea and saves you time.
Women with low eyebrows may be affected by the fact that permanent eyebrows can give them a perfect look without the hassles of shadow and pencil.
But makeup is permanent, not a trouble! Before any decision, the disadvantages and benefits of tattoos and eyebrows, each one should be placed in a weighbridge and be completely matched.
What is a permane
Understanding Drug Use and Addiction

Many people don't understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. They may mistakenly think that those who use drugs lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop their drug use simply by choosing to. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting usually takes more than good intentions or a strong will. Drugs change the brain in ways that make quitting hard, even for those who want to. Fortunately, researchers know more than ever about how drugs affect the brain and have found treatments that can help people recover from drug addiction and lead productive lives.
What Is drug addiction?
Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite
If only certain competitors can outperform their search rankings and the rankings of other competitors are not changing, it may be simply overtaken by the competitor ’s SEO performance. Examine the status of links and content on competing sites that have risen in ranking and examine the factors that have resulted in good results from targeted web traffic competing sites. And incorporate those factors into your content marketing strategy.
Check for new links
Check Ahrefs to see if competitors are getting new backlinks that boost their rankings. If a competing site gets a useful link, look for ways to get that link on your website. The Everest method mentioned above is effective.
Investigate content changes
Investigate what changes the competitor has made to the content. Compare the
Military.com | با برندان نیومنبراساس یک گزارش خبری ، رئیس جدید کمیته خدمات نیروهای مسلح سنا گفته‌است که he's مایل به ایجاد تغییراتی در حقوق و مزایای سربازان است .طبق گزارش کریستینا وونگ از هیل ، سناتور جان مک کین ۷۸ ساله از جمهوری خواهان ریاست‌جمهوری و نامزد سابق ریاست‌جمهوری گفت که این تغییرات برای اعضای خدمات آینده اعمال خواهد شد و نیروهای خدمت که اکنون خدمت می‌کنند تحت مزایای موجود خواهند بود .مک کین به روزنامه گفت : " احتمالا ً من می‌توانم از
Constitutional Amendments- Making, Breaking, and Changing Constitutions

محتوای موضوعی  کتاب
1)    اولین مطالعه جامع اصول بازنگری قوانین اساسی

اولین تحلیل شناسایی و نظریه پردازی سنت های
اصلی قانوگذاری اصلاحی در جهان

معرفی مفهوم "بریدگی اساسی" به عنوان
تضادی با ایده "بازنگری قانون اساسی" برگرفته شده از قوانین اساسی اطراف
جهان برای نشان دادن چرایی و توضیح دادن اینکه چگونه رهبران غالباً برخلاف مقررات بازنگری
قانون اساسی به بازنگری آن می پردازند و نشان می دهد
In 2012, Denmark’s biggest energy company, Danish Oil and Natural Gas, slid into financial crisis as the price of gas was plunging by 90% and S&P downgraded its credit rating to negative. The board hired a former executive at LEGO, Henrik Poulsen, as the new CEO. Whereas some leaders might have gone into crisis-management mode, laying off workers until prices recovered, Poulsen recognized the moment as an opportunity for fundamental change.
“We saw the need to build an entirely new company,” says Poulsen. He renamed the firm Ørsted after the legendary Danish scientist Hans Christian Ørsted, who discovered the principles of electromagnetism. “It had to be a radical transformation; we needed to build a new core business and find new areas of sustainable growth. We looked at the

 Immigration to Canada via
Manitoba Business Category
$100,000 Canadian Dollars Investment
Immigration. Really? That is what most of you see in the advertisments and
wonder how it might be possible to gain legal status in Canada with just a
$100K investment.
Well, Yes and No. Let us help you get the
clear picture... 
There are many provinces such as British
Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, etc that
welcome entrepreneurs and business men seeking permanent legal status in
Canada to invest and establish a business in their respective Canadian
province thus injecting the local enoconomy with skills, talent, funds and
job growth contributing to the socio eco
Privacy Policy
Sticker maker provides this Privacy Policy to inform you of our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information we receive from users of the Sticker maker Services. This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. We will notify you of any material changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on the Site. You are advised to consult this policy regularly for any changes. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms of Service.
As used in this policy, the terms "using" and "processing" information include using cookies on a computer, subjecting the information to statistical or other analysis and using or handling information in any way, including, but no
Privacy Policy
Sticker maker provides this Privacy Policy to inform you of our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information we receive from users of the Sticker maker Services. This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. We will notify you of any material changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on the Site. You are advised to consult this policy regularly for any changes. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms of Service.
As used in this policy, the terms "using" and "processing" information include using cookies on a computer, subjecting the information to statistical or other analysis and using or handling information in any way, including, but no
Privacy Policy
Sticker maker provides this Privacy Policy to inform you of our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information we receive from users of the Sticker maker Services. This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. We will notify you of any material changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on the Site. You are advised to consult this policy regularly for any changes. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms of Service.
As used in this policy, the terms "using" and "processing" information include using cookies on a computer, subjecting the information to statistical or other analysis and using or handling information in any way, including, but no
However, many sellers are looking for an important part of sales called marketing. Unfortunately, most people use outdated sales and marketing skills. Just like any other aspect of the sales process, you need to focus on it. This is the only way to effectively investigate. Do not waste time finding the right measures for your service or products.
What is Marketing and Sales?
Using these internet marketing techniques, you can turn your audience into a customer.
Marketing and Sales Techniques (More Sales Tips)
1. Warm and intimate contacts2. Become a thought leader.3- Be a trusted source 4- Use video5- Time for research6- Time spent on social networks
Warm and intimate contacts
Your initial contact with the new perspective is not required. It really shouldn't be quite cold. This can be e
رساندن بیشترین خیر چگونه فهم ما را از زندگی اخلاقی تغییر می‌دهد
مباش در پی آزار و هر چه خواهی کن/که در شریعت ما غیر از این گناهی نیست
مترجم کتاب در پیشگفتارش این بیت حافظ را نقل‌قول کرده است و می‌گوید در طریق ما غیر ازین گناهی هست! ضرر نرساندن بخشی از اخلاق است اما کافی نیست فردی اخلاقی است که هم آزار نمی رساند و هم از نیکی و خیررسانی دریغ نمی‌کند.دیگردوستی مؤثر هم یک ایده است، هم سبکی از زندگی که در حال رایج شدن در سراسر دنیاست. گاهی اوقات
Harvard Business
School Professor Sunil Gupta explores the infiltration of Amazon into dozens of
industries including web services, grocery, online video streaming, content
creation and, oh, did we mention physical bookstores? What’s the big plan? Is
the company spread too thin? Or is it poised for astronomical success?

Brian Kenny: In the world of computer
science, Jon Wainwright is kind of a big deal. A computer language pioneer, he
was the principle architect of both Script 5 and Manuscript. What makes John a
legend has nothing to do with programming. Let me explain.
On April 3, 1995, Jon was in need of
work-related reading material. He fired up his T1 modem and navigated the
fledgling internet to the beta version of a new online bookstore. With the
click of a mouse, he became
نمونه رایتینگ نمره 8 آیلتس با موضوع تاثیر منفی شبکه های اجتماعی بر مردم

آموزش رایتینگ آیلتس با استفاده از نمونه انشای نمره 7 به بالا
یادگیری عبارات آکادمیک و کاربردی مناسب برای IELTS
خط زیر برخی عبارات در مورد گرامر های مهم و لازم
Many people believe that social networking sites (such as Facebook) have had huge negative impact on both individuals and society. To what extent do you agree?
بسیاری از مردم معتقدند که سایت های شبکه اجتماعی مانند فیسبوک، تاثیر منفی شدیدی بر روی اشخاص و جامعه دارند. تا چه اندازه موافق
مردم فلسطین بدانند هر کارسیاسی انجام دهند، از نماز خواندن بالاتر نیست. نماز بالاترین فریاد ها است. موقعی که امام خمینی ره، این حرف را زد بسیاری باور نکردند، و ان را یک دستور عبادی تنها برای دلگرمی دانستند. ولی امروز نمازجمعه فلسطین، در بیت المقدس نشان داد که نمازخواندن، بلند ترین فریاد ها است. اگر همه مردم در روز جمعه، کار های خود را رها کنند، و به نمازجمعه بروند همه صحن مسجد القدس پر می شود! خیابان های اطراف نیز مملو از جمعیت می گردد. نیازی ب
Ramin Fallah was considered in December 1, 1965, in Tehran. His youth, regardless, was spent in different urban networks, for instance, Dezful, Ahwaz, Andimeshk, Lahijan, Rasht, Kashan, Kerman, Ardebil, etc the grounds that his father was a laborer in Ministry of Agriculture. 
Living in various urban networks, unquestionably, constrained basic impact on Ramin's life. Simultaneousness with different ethnicities made him familiar with various social orders, and he could all the more probable contact individuals, as he alludes to. 
Youth and School 
Ramin Fallah's simple preparing period agreed with the time he was living with his family in Ardebil, in a district called "Mugar Plain". He spend his essential guidance period in a little school that was on a very basic level not equival
آیا بزرگداشت روز پرستار به این معنی است که: بیماری را افزایش دهیم، تا نیاز به پرستار و پزشک و بیمارستان بیشتر شود، و حقوق و دستمزد آنها بالاتر رود؟ متاسفانه مافیای پزشکی در ایران، چنین اهدافی را دنبال می کند: با تغییر روش پرداخت کارانه و اضافه کاری پرستاران، آنها را به کار پزشکان مربوط دانسته! بطوریکه اگر پزشک بیکار باشد، همه عوامل پرستاری هم بی حقوق و دستمزد خواهند بود. سازمان نظام پرستاری امیدوار است که طرح قاصدک، به نظام کارانه یا حقوق و
Data journalist and illustrator Mona Chalabi has unveiled a series of limited-edition prints and shared a selection of her illustrations visualising information about coronavirus as part of The World Around's takeover of Virtual Design Festival for Earth Day.
The three new prints, which Chalabi produced in collaboration with online art gallery Absolut Art for Earth Day, illustrate three facts about the natural world. They are intended to give people pause for thought and take their mind off the coronavirus pandemic.
"Because everything is changing so much day-to-day, I wanted to look for the constants," said Chalabi.
"It’s not to make you happy exactly, but to provide some comfort as an antidote to the anxiety induced by the world all around us."
One of the prints, titled Rotat
همایش بزرگ و جهانی شیرخوارگان حسینی، راه مقابله با کودک کشی در تاریخ معاصر است. تاریخ کودک کشی، به زمان فرعون بر می گردد: وی که اهل خراسان بود و به عنوان: فرماندار به مصر گسیل شده بود، با کشته شدن شاه ایرانی، اعلام استقلال کرد و سعی داشت: بالاترین قدرت را به دست اورد، لذا ادعای خدایی کرد. خوابگزاران او را از قیام یک کودک که: بزودی متولد خواهد شد، ترساندند. وی بجای تعییر رفتار خود، به کودک کشی روی آورد. گارد ضربتی بزرگی تاسیس کرد، تا هر کودکی را
سفارت فلسطین در تهران، هیچگونه درآمد و امکانات رفاهی ندارند، و سفیر فلسطین هم
40سال است که تغییر نکرده، و در این ماههای جدید نیز، حقوق آنها نصف شده و ممکن
است بطور کلی قطع گردد. اگر به این امر رسیدگی نشود، چندین تالی فاسد دارد: اول
اینکه عکس ابومازن یعنی محمود عباس، که همه قراردادهای اسرائیلی را امضا می کند،
در دفتر کار است و از هنیه و دیگر: شخصیتهای مقاومت خبری نیست. و این یعنی که سفارت
فلسطین در تهران، راه سازش را می رود و به دنبال م
با اینکه محبوبترین نام در ترکیه، محمد و علی، حسن و حسین و فاطمه  یعنی: پنج تن آل عبا است.  ولی نام بردن از علی ع در شهر: هزار مسجد ممنوع است و در: هیچیک از اذان ها اجازه ندارند: اشهد ان علی ولی الله بگویندُُ. حدود 35درصد از کلمات ترکیه، از زبان فارسی عاریت گرفته شده، ولی دشمنی با زبان فارسی انقدر زیاد: در دانشگاهها هست که به کمتر از 25درصد رسانده اند. مردم استانبول باحجاب ترین و بانماز ترین طبقه اجتماعی هستند، ولی در هیچیک از برنامه های دولتی و دان
مجلس نباید مرکز سیاهنمایی، نا امیدی و افتقار
باشد. کافی است سخنان نمایندگان را، در مورد عملکرد دولت یا حوزه های انتخابیه
آنها جمعبندی کرد! خواهید دید ایرانی خرابه، پر از دزد و فاسد و افراد بدون
مسئولیت داریم، و خودمان نمی دانیم! رئیس جمهور اشاره ای کردند که: صدا و سیما هیچ
وقت از گازرسانی، به روستاها نمی گوید، بلکه میرود فقر و نداری انها را به تصویر
می کشد. البته با انتخاب مجدد لاریجانی، هیچ امیدی به اصلاح این روند دوازده ساله
نیست. زیرا لاری
روانشناسان ایران امروز به دیداری  نوروزی رفتند. البته روایت غلطی از نوروز گفتند.
علت سیزده روز بودن نوروز این است که: ایرانیان اولیه، قبل از آریائی ها و کاسپین
ها، در کنار رود ارس 12شهر بنا کرده بودند: بنام های فروردین و اردیبهشت و..سال نو
که می شد، هر روز در یک شهر، تجمع و دید و بازدید می کردند. روز سیزدهم که شهرها
تمام می شد، به خارج از شهر می رفتند! اما جمله مثبتی هم گفتند! آنها گفتند در
شرایط بحران، یکی از پایه های اصلی آن، موضوع روانشناسی است
 مولانا شیخ محمد مولوی، در بلخ به دنیا آمد و در ایران تحصیل و رشد کرد، و در قونیه ساکن شد تا فوت کرد. متاسفانه اکنون در ثبت آثار ایرانی  این موضوع احتلاف برانگیز شده،  و ترکیه آن را بنام خود ثبت کرده. لذا باید دانست که قونیه قبلا جزو ایران بوده که: مولوی به آنجا رفته الان نیز باید به ایران برگردانده شود. آنجا نیز مانند کربلا قبله امال شود، و مردم حتی با پای پیاده! به زیارت قبر مولانا بروند. و در دهه مولانا (آراز) در آنجا اقامت کنند. اشعار مولانا ر
منظور از قسمت STRUCTURE همان قسمت های ساختار دستور زبانی می باشد که در میان عوام به گرامر معروف است.دانستن اصول و قواعد گرامر در ترجمه و فهم متون، درست صحبت کردن و نگارش صحیح  بسیار تاثیر گذار می باشد.
حروف تعریف به دو دسته معرفه (The) و (a/an) تقسیم می شوند. استفاده از این حروف تعریف قبل از یک اسم به عوامل زیر بستگی دارد:
معرفه(شناخته) و نکره (ناشناخته) بودن اسم
جمع یا مفرد بودن اسم
قابل شمارش و غیر قابل شمارش بودن اسم
با توجه به مواری که ذکر ش
Data journalist and illustrator Mona Chalabi has unveiled a series of limited-edition prints and shared a selection of her illustrations visualising information about coronavirus as part of The World Around's takeover of Virtual Design Festival for Earth Day.
The three new prints, which Chalabi produced in collaboration with online art gallery Absolut Art for Earth Day, illustrate three facts about the natural world. They are intended to give people pause for thought and take their mind off the coronavirus pandemic.
"Because everything is changing so much day-to-day, I wanted to look for the constants," said Chalabi.
"It’s not to make you happy exactly, but to provide some comfort as an antidote to the anxiety induced by the world all around us."
One of the prints, titled Rotat
انسان موجودی است که دارای: رفتار دوگانه جبر و
اختیار است. به دنیا آمدن هرکسی جبر است، چون خودش نخواسته! اما اینکه آب وغذا
بخورد یا نخورد، اختیاراست. فلاسفه مادی 
سعی دارند: جنبه اختیاری  را منکر
شوند، و بگویند همه چیز انسان جبر است. برخی ها آن را جبر ذاتی می دانند، و برخی
ها هم نتیجه ابزار. چون ابزار ساخت بشر رشد و تغییر می کند، بنابر این انسان نیز براساس
تغییر ابزار است. به همین جهت انسان را که: پشت ابزار است نمی بینند. البته عمدا
نمی بیند، زیرا
سحنان همسر حداد عادل گرچه انعکاس جالبی نداشت، ولی برای مسئولین امر یک درس بود. و باید آن را سرمشق خود قرار دهند. مثلا وقتی که می بینند: سازمان ملل متحد کارایی خود را از دست داده، یک سازمان ملل واحد درست کنند، که مرکز آن در ایران باشد!  و مجموعه های سالن اجلاس سران، سعد اباد و نیاوران و پارسیان را در اختیار آن قرار دهند. اکنون سازمان کنفرانس اسلامی، بیش از صد کشور عضو دارد. یعنی بیش از 50درصد توانسته اعتماد کسب کند، و مدت سی و سه سال بطور مداوم ای
Under the First Amendment, Americans enjoy two liberty concerning religion: the right to be free from a government-imposed faith, and also a right to practice any faith.  While private employers aren't bound by the Constitution's limitations on government, they are subject to state and federal laws that prohibit religious discrimination in employment.  Given the number of employed persons and the range of religious faiths in this country and the freedom we like to express our views, the topic of religious discrimination continues to pose tough questions for companies and the courts.
Due to our nation's great diversity, companies may hire workers from a terrific selection of countries and spiritual backgrounds.  In an ideal work environment, the spiritual beliefs of a certain worker, or
از وقتی که پهباد آمریکایی سقوط کرد، ارزش دلار
هم در بازار های ایران، روبه سقوط گذاشت تا جاییکه: نگرانی های زیادی در بین
دشمنان، و مزدوران یقه سفید داخلی ان برانگیخت. چاره کار را در ان دیدند که یک
پهباد از خودشان بزنند، و بنام ساقط کردن پهباد ایرانی  تبلیغ کنند، تا دوباره ارزش دلار بالا برود! این
روند نشان میدهد که برخی عناصر که به سادگی از ان عبور می کنیم، بر مسئله مهم
تاثیر گذار هستند. سقوط پهباد ایرانی از نظر صاحبان دلار، یعنی وقوع جنگ بین ا
تصور اینکه هر چیزی، یک شبه بوجود آمده باشد!
امری محال است (مگر در ساحت قدس الهی). همه چیز به تدریج، و طی مدت زمانی ایجاد می
شود. کلمه مدت یا مد به همین معنی است: یعنی در طول زمان یا مکان کشیده می شود.
تنها فرق آنها این است که: زمان و مکان نسبی است: لذا فکر انسان به اشتباه می کند.
مثل فیلم رشد گیاهان، که میتوان با تغییر سرعت، و بصورت دور تند، رشد یکساله را در
یک دقیقه نشان داد. اما بهرحال باید دوره تکامل، بصورت کامل انجام شود. مثلا
استارتاپ ها همان شر
Whether you are using org chart software such as SmartDraw or some other tool, here are 10 tips to help you build the perfect diagram for your needs.

1. Format the chart to fit on a single page

Use a combination of a horizontal arrangement of boxes at the top of the chart, and vertical below to fit as man
y boxes on a single page as possible.
A combination of horizontal and vertical arrangement of boxes fits more boxes on a page.
Using only horizontal arrangements of boxes makes the chart wider.

2. Group people with the same title into one box

Putting all of the people with the same title into one box saves a considerable amount of space compared with assigning each person their own

3. Make all boxes the same size and space them evenly

Charts look much better if all of t
پیشرفت تکنولوژی و گسترش اینترنت، زندگی تمام افراد را دستخوش تغییر کرده است. این تغییر و تحولات موجب شکل‌گیری و پیشرفت کسب‌وکارهای نوپا چون سفارش اینترنتی غذا شده است. سایت‌های سفارش آنلاین غذا به حدی در میان مردم محبوب شده‌اند که حتی مجموعه‌های غذایی مختلف، انواع رستوران‌ها و کافی‌شاپ‌ها نیز در این سامانه وارد می‌شوند.ترافیک سنگین شهری، جذابیت رفتن به رستوران را در بین خانواده‌ها کم‌رنگ کرده است. به همین دلیل اکثر خانواده‌ها ترج
سریع ترین اَبَرکامپیوترهای جهان در سال 2018
به گزارش Top500 در پاییز امسال 227 تا از 500 و همچنین 2 تا از 10 اَبَررایانه (سوپرکامپیوتر) سریع جهان در چین واقع شده‌اند.
دمای صفر مطلق چیست؟
در زمینه تحقیقات فوق سرد نیز یک حد پایین وجود دارد.
اَبَرخون چیست؟
اَبَرخون یا خون قرمز درمانی همانند CAR-T درمانی می‌تواند در درمان بیماری‌های خاصی مانند سرطان و دیابت استفاده شود.
پیش بینی زلزله با ردیابی حیوانات از فضا
سیستمی پیشنهاد شده است که با استفاده از یک شبک
اصول موفقیت یک وب سایت (قسمت اول)
در اینجا سوالات و مواردی مطرح میشود، که پاسخ های شما در عمل میتواند
شما را به موفقیت برساند. این سوالات و موارد، خط مش موفقیت شما در کسب و
کار اینترنتی تان را ترسیم میکند. لطفا عمیقا به موارد زیر دقت کرده و
کاملا روی آن تامل کنید.
1- مشکلات یعنی فرصت شغلی
• مهمترین سوالی که شما باید پاسخ بدهید این است که: کدام مشکل حل نشده
جامعه قرار است به توسط وب سایت شما حل شود؟ این موضوع بسیار مهم است. اگر
مشکلی وجود نداشته
در متا آینه ها (metamirrors) چه چیزی می توان دید؟
مِتاسطح‌ها (metasurface) از یک جهت روشن و از جهتی دیگر تاریک دیده می‌شوند.
تفاوت یادگیری ماشین با هوش مصنوعی چیست؟
هوش مصنوعی و ماشین‌ها بخشی از زندگی روزمره ما شده است، اما این بدان معنا نیست که ما آن‌ها را به خوبی درک کرده ایم. آیا تفاوت بین یادگیری ماشین (Machine Learning) و هوش مصنوعی (Artificial Intelligence) را می‌دانید؟
چه تعداد فوتون در جهان وجود دارد؟
با توجه به اینکه همه چیز از یک تکینگی شروع شده است، نباید جای تع
Patty McCord
From the January–February 2014 Issue
Sheryl Sandberg has called it one of the most important documents ever to come out of Silicon Valley. It’s been viewed more than 5 million times on the web. But when Reed Hastings and I (along with some colleagues) wrote a PowerPoint deck explaining how we shaped the culture and motivated performance at Netflix, where Hastings is CEO and I was chief talent officer from 1998 to 2012, we had no idea it would go viral. We realized that some of the talent management ideas we’d pioneered, such as the concept that workers should be allowed to take whatever vacation time they feel is appropriate, had been seen as a little crazy (at least until other companies started adopting them). But we were surprised that an unadorned set of 127
فیس بوک Facebook یکی از بزرگترین شبکه های اجتماعی است که کاربران می توانند نظرات، عکس ها و لینک ها را به اخبار و یا سایر محتوای جالب در وب، بازی ها، چت زنده و جریان ویدئو زنده را برای دیگران و بالاخص دوستان خود ارسال کنند. با گسترش اینترنت در تمامی نقاط جهان و همچنین گسترش استفاده از تلفن های هوشمند و موبایل ها، تب استفاده از این شبکه اجتماعی در میان جوانان و دیگر اقشار جوامع بین المللی افزایش چشمگیری داشته است. محتوای به اشتراک گذاشته شده می توا
از نیل آرمسترانگ تا سالی راید، از استیو جابز تا استن لی، دهه اخیر با افراد سرشناس زیادی وداع کردیم. در این مطلب می خواهیم با افراد برجسته ای از حوزه های مختلف علمی و فناوری آشنا شویم که در دهه حاضر دنیا را وداع گفتند. البته سه موجود غیر انسان هم در این فهرست حضور دارند.
سال 2011
استیو جابز

بنیانگذار اپل و رئیس پیکسار در طول عمر 56 ساله خود دستاوردهای شگرفی داشت. او انقلاب کامپیوترهای شخصی را به راه انداخت، ماوس کامپیوتر را عمومیت بخشید، دستگاه
What makes an effective leader? This question is a focus of my research as an organizational scientist, executive coach, and leadership development consultant. Looking for answers, I recently completed the first round of a study of 195 leaders in 15 countries over 30 global organizations. Participants were asked to choose the 15 most important leadership competencies from a list of 74. I’ve grouped the top ones into five major themes that suggest a set of priorities for leaders and leadership development programs. While some may not surprise you, they’re all difficult to master, in part because improving them requires acting against our nature
Demonstrates strong ethics and provides a sense of safety.
This theme
Empowers others to self-organize.
Providing clear direction while allowin


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